It’s Green and A Meme

That’s right, a good old (bad) movie night! On the 7th of March we’ll get together in Lipsius 2.27 to revive some of our childhood memories (or traumas, whatever suits you) by having a Shrek marathon. We’ll watch Shrek 2 and 3 (which are easy to follow if you haven’t seen the first film) to forget about all the homework and deadlines for a while! Snacks and drinks will be provided but, of course, you’re always welcome to bring some snacks of your own!
> when: Thursday March 7th, 18:30
> where: Lipsius 2.27

Book Sale!

Are you a real book lover and would you like to add more books to your current collection? Then this book sale will be perfect for you! Albion and five other study associations of the Humanities faculty have organised a book fair together. There will be books for all: from modern literature to linguistic works, from great works of fiction to books about art and many more. All books will be sold for very low and student-friendly prices. Do you want to see what we have to offer?
> when: Wednesday March 6th, from 11:30 to 15:00
> where: coffee room Wijkplaats/Eyckhof 

SVS x Albion Party: Utopium

Listen up! This wednesday we are bringing our utopias to life. Dress like your ideal self or put on your favourite party outfit and come practise the best sport there is: dance! After all the proverbial opium we will take in, we’re sure that our worlds will blend perfectly together… Get your tickets now, or get them at the door! And last but not least: you can also bring your non-member friends for just €1,- extra!

> when: Wednesday February 27th, 22:00-03:00 (doors close at 01:00!!!)
> where: De Hut van Ome Henne, Sint Aagtenstraat 28
> tickets: €4,- for members, €5,- for non-members (door sale costs 1 euro extra), get your tickets now via this link 

ALV & Monthly Drinks & Big Trip Location Reveal!

On the 26th of February, board Aeonian presents its evaluations and future plans at the half-yearly ALV. This is the perfect opportunity to bring in ideas and/or feedback and to ask questions. After the ALV, we’ll go straight to North End for the Monthly Drinks where the locations of the next Albion trip will be revealed! On Facebook as well as on the night itself up until the reveal you can tell us your guess. Those who guess the two cities correctly will win a free drink!
when: Tuesday February 26th, 20:00
where: Lipsius 3.07 and afterwards North End

Meld je aan voor het Germaanse Talen Symposium

Een taalfamilie verschilt eigenlijk maar weinig van een familie zoals wij die kennen. Kinderen zetten zich soms af tegen hun ouders, veranderen hun taalgebruik en maken vaak in vergelijking met hun broertjes of zusjes enorm verschillende ontwikkelingen door. Maar ook al zijn de familieleden uit de Germaanse taalfamilie verschillende wegen ingeslagen, ze blijven natuurlijk wel altijd familie! En die familietrekjes herken je pas als je erop gaat letten.

Op 21 februari 2019 houden de studieverenigingen NNP, S!MP en Albion Association het Germaanse Talen Symposium. Vanuit de vakgebieden van Nederlands, Duits en Engels zullen drie sprekers het Germaans benaderen om zo een duidelijker beeld te geven van onze gemeenschappelijke deler die de talen onherroepelijk met elkaar verbindt.

Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:
> 17:15-17:45 – Prof. Dr. L.C.J. Barbiers: “Het Nederlands als Tussengermaans”

> 17:45-18:30 – Pizza in Koffiekamer Zuid (op aanmelding)

> 18:30-19:00 – Dr. J. Audring: “Er, she, het? Een Germaanse sandwich”

> 19:15-19:45 – Dr. M.H. Porck: “Oudengels is Nederlands en de Beowulf is van ons! Ideeën over Oudengels in negentiende-eeuws Nederland”

Meld je voor 14 februari aan voor het symposium via de link onderaan dit bericht.
Pizza kost €3,- voor leden en €4,- voor externen.
Als je niet mee eet is het evenement gratis, maar verzoeken we je alsnog om je even aan te melden.

Meld je aan via deze link:


That’s How We Roll

We hope this is right up your (bowling) alley: on Thursday the 7th of February, we will put on our bowling shoes (it’s high fashion, right?) and go bowling! The costs are only €5! We will go to Bowling Restaurant Menken, which is just a 10 minutes bike ride away from Leiden Centraal. However, don’t worry if you don’t have a bike: you can also join some of our committee members who are going by public transport. We’ll meet those of you who’d like to travel together (whether that’s by bike or bus) at 19:45 at the Leiden Centraal Starbucks. Please do not forget to bring your student card, because Menken offers a student discount. In short, make sure to clear your schedule for some spare time!
> when: Thursday February 7th, 20:00-22:00
> where: Bowling Restaurant Menken
> costs: €5 (don’t forget your student card!!)
> how: you can 
sign up until the 1st of February by sending an email to

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

It’s a new year, it’s a new semester. What’s the best way to catch up with your friends? Drinks of course! Come join us at Café de Keyzer on the 7th of February at 14:30 for drinks and chats. The drinks are specifically at this time for those of us who have to travel far and can never make it to the Albion drinks. And don’t worry, it’s never too early for a drink because it’s always 5 O’ clock somewhere.
> when: Thursday February 7th, 14:30
> where: Café de Keyzer

Let’s Go Dancing

Each year, the student association V.S.L. Catena hosts an open week. As we found out, a lot of our members are interested in attending this week of parties and cheap cocktails. That’s why, on the 6th of February, you can join us while we dance the night away! Try to come early, because experience has taught us that it can be hard to get in if you’re late.
> when: Wednesday February 6th, 21:00
> where: V.S.L. Catena, Kolfmakersteeg 8

Apply for the Career Day Committee!

“You study English? What job are you going to do then?” Everyone studying English Language and Culture has surely gotten this question at least once in their life. As a study association, we are here to hopefully arm you with some possible answers, because there are in fact many career possibilities with your English degree! As you may know, Albion organises a Career Day every year. However, this year, in line with the theme of this year’s ‘444-viering’ Humanities Matter, Albion wants to go a little bigger. That’s why we’re creating a Career Day Committee! Do you want to help make this day possible and polish up your resume? The committee will meet several times to brainstorm on possible speakers, workshops and advertising and you are hopefully present at the career event itself to help out. Are you interested? Send an e-mail to or shoot a Whatsapp message to our chair Bart via 06-42328136

2019? Haha, more like 20wineteen

The new year has come around! For some of us that means a time of change and new beginnings. Others claim that time is a social construct and continue on their existentialistic voyage. Either way, on the 15th of January, we are celebrating the socially accepted birthday of the earth in good old North End: the perfect time to catch up with your classmates and fellow students! “Is this a Monthly Drinks in disguise?”, you might ask. To that we can only say: yes, yes it is. But now it has a title! With a pun! You cannot possibly resist that right?
> when: January 15th, 20:00
> where: North End