Meld je aan voor het Germaanse Talen Symposium

Een taalfamilie verschilt eigenlijk maar weinig van een familie zoals wij die kennen. Kinderen zetten zich soms af tegen hun ouders, veranderen hun taalgebruik en maken vaak in vergelijking met hun broertjes of zusjes enorm verschillende ontwikkelingen door. Maar ook al zijn de familieleden uit de Germaanse taalfamilie verschillende wegen ingeslagen, ze blijven natuurlijk wel altijd familie! En die familietrekjes herken je pas als je erop gaat letten.

Op 21 februari 2019 houden de studieverenigingen NNP, S!MP en Albion Association het Germaanse Talen Symposium. Vanuit de vakgebieden van Nederlands, Duits en Engels zullen drie sprekers het Germaans benaderen om zo een duidelijker beeld te geven van onze gemeenschappelijke deler die de talen onherroepelijk met elkaar verbindt.

Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:
> 17:15-17:45 – Prof. Dr. L.C.J. Barbiers: “Het Nederlands als Tussengermaans”

> 17:45-18:30 – Pizza in Koffiekamer Zuid (op aanmelding)

> 18:30-19:00 – Dr. J. Audring: “Er, she, het? Een Germaanse sandwich”

> 19:15-19:45 – Dr. M.H. Porck: “Oudengels is Nederlands en de Beowulf is van ons! Ideeën over Oudengels in negentiende-eeuws Nederland”

Meld je voor 14 februari aan voor het symposium via de link onderaan dit bericht.
Pizza kost €3,- voor leden en €4,- voor externen.
Als je niet mee eet is het evenement gratis, maar verzoeken we je alsnog om je even aan te melden.

Meld je aan via deze link:


That’s How We Roll

We hope this is right up your (bowling) alley: on Thursday the 7th of February, we will put on our bowling shoes (it’s high fashion, right?) and go bowling! The costs are only €5! We will go to Bowling Restaurant Menken, which is just a 10 minutes bike ride away from Leiden Centraal. However, don’t worry if you don’t have a bike: you can also join some of our committee members who are going by public transport. We’ll meet those of you who’d like to travel together (whether that’s by bike or bus) at 19:45 at the Leiden Centraal Starbucks. Please do not forget to bring your student card, because Menken offers a student discount. In short, make sure to clear your schedule for some spare time!
> when: Thursday February 7th, 20:00-22:00
> where: Bowling Restaurant Menken
> costs: €5 (don’t forget your student card!!)
> how: you can 
sign up until the 1st of February by sending an email to

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

It’s a new year, it’s a new semester. What’s the best way to catch up with your friends? Drinks of course! Come join us at Café de Keyzer on the 7th of February at 14:30 for drinks and chats. The drinks are specifically at this time for those of us who have to travel far and can never make it to the Albion drinks. And don’t worry, it’s never too early for a drink because it’s always 5 O’ clock somewhere.
> when: Thursday February 7th, 14:30
> where: Café de Keyzer

Let’s Go Dancing

Each year, the student association V.S.L. Catena hosts an open week. As we found out, a lot of our members are interested in attending this week of parties and cheap cocktails. That’s why, on the 6th of February, you can join us while we dance the night away! Try to come early, because experience has taught us that it can be hard to get in if you’re late.
> when: Wednesday February 6th, 21:00
> where: V.S.L. Catena, Kolfmakersteeg 8

2019? Haha, more like 20wineteen

The new year has come around! For some of us that means a time of change and new beginnings. Others claim that time is a social construct and continue on their existentialistic voyage. Either way, on the 15th of January, we are celebrating the socially accepted birthday of the earth in good old North End: the perfect time to catch up with your classmates and fellow students! “Is this a Monthly Drinks in disguise?”, you might ask. To that we can only say: yes, yes it is. But now it has a title! With a pun! You cannot possibly resist that right?
> when: January 15th, 20:00
> where: North End

Fairytaal Gala

As of today, you can officially buy tickets for the one and only Talengala! This dance, with the theme ‘Fairytaal’, will take place on the 23rd of January. For members of Albion, the ticket price is €15,00 (this includes unlimited drinks!). Anyone who’s not a member of one of the study associations that organises this gala, can still join: tickets for guests/dates are €17,50. Be quick to score your tickets, because it will be, you know, fairy cool.
> when: January 23rd, 21:00-3:00
> where: Quintus Society, Boommarkt 5a
> tickets now available via this form: 

Let the Games Begin!

Do you like to spend time with your fellow Albioneers? Do you like board games? Do you like being part of a daring new plan? Then you’re in luck, because Albion is starting up a brand new concept. It’s called “ABV First Levels” (ABV as in Albion Board Games Venture) and will basically be a group of students organizing get-togethers in which we will play board games (and possibly D&D if people are interested). We are still figuring out the details, but our first meeting will be right after the exams of January. If you want to stay posted about this abundance of fun, join our Whatsapp group via this link: All group participants get to co-decide when we’ll meet and what we’ll be playing!

Christmas Potluck Dinner

What better way to celebrate Christmas than with good company, good food, and a little early? Did I say good food already? Because oh man, Christmas food. Come celebrate the end of your December exams on the 20th by joining us for a lovely Christmas dinner at Cafe de Keyzer! The only condition: everyone brings something to eat! (It is, after all, a potluck dinner.) We’ll take care of all the non-food stuff, and drinks will have to be bought on location, so you only have to consider food. Be aware that it is not possible to warm up food at De Keyzer.
> when: December 20th, 18:00
> where: Cafe de Keyzer
> sign up and tell us what you want to bring by sending an email to before the 17th of December (!!)

Winter Games & Christmas Market

Freshers, listen up! The Freshers’ Committee will provide a welcome break from the exams on the 17th of December, right when the Philology 1 exam is over. From 14:30 onward, you can come and play games all afternoon (bring your favourite games!), relax AND you can participate in an Ugly Christmas Jumper Contest! So put on your most hideous Christmas jumper and you might just win a prize! This festive gaming afternoon will end at 17:00, but the fun won’t. If you want to, you can join us for dinner and a little trip to the Leidse Kerstmarkt. Of course, this isn’t obligatory and if you want to go home after the games, that’s fine too! Lastly, if you’re not a fresher, don’t worry: this festive activity is open to all members.
> when: December 17th, from 14:30 onwards
> where: T.B.A. on Facebook


After the thrilling staging of 1984, we are attending another LET production: Cinderella! On the 14th of December, we’re gathering at 19:30 in front of the Volkshuis theatre to watch the performance of this beloved tale together, as well as to support the Albion members who are part of it. Bonus, getting your tickets via Albion gets you a discount, meaning the tickets are only €9! And remember, don’t wear heels; you might just lose one of them.
> when: December 14th, 19:30
> where: Volkshuis Theater (Apothekersdijk 33a)
> sign up by sending an e-mail to before the 9th of December.
> ticket price: €9